TULUNGAGUNG - Police are investigating the spread of pornographic videos of Tulungagung students, East Java.

The Head of PPA of the Tulungagung Police Satreskrim, Ipda Fatahillah, said that there are two pornographic video content files that they are currently investigating.

"There are two videos with different cast. One of them is played by a female student who is identified as similar to a high school student with the initials M (16). But we are still investigating the truth," Fatahillah said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 24.

The investigation was carried out to find the person who spread the video.

For the video with the actor M, this case has been reported by the victim's mother. "Yesterday we reported it on Monday, January 20," he said.

Dari keterangan awal pelapor, korban mengalami trauma dan takut bertemu dengan orang lain. Menurut pelapor ada tiga nama yang menjadi terduga penyebaran video porno tersebut.

The three of them are figures who have had a romantic relationship with victim M.

"But what is explained by a bright name is only one person," he said.

The victim's mother reported that the incident began with a video in the conversation application. After being seen, the cast in the video is similar to his son.

If it is proven that the suspect deliberately distributed the video, it will certainly be thrown into iron bars.

"There are two articles that are applied, namely the ITE Law and the Sexual Violence Law," he said.

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