JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono still does not want to hand over Kampung Susun Bayam (KSB) to be inhabited by former residents of Kampung Bayam.

Instead, Heru Budi admitted that the DKI Provincial Government will build a new flat which can later be inhabited by residents affected by the eviction of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) construction.

"We continue to discuss to be able to find the right and best solution. Therefore, the local government will build flats around Priok sub-district, approximately 150 to 200 units, for whom? For trained residents and residents of Kampung Bayam," said Heru in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Wednesday, January 24.

Heru emphasized that he did not neglect the residents of Kampung Bayam to get housing rights. Therefore, the new flats that will be built starting in 2024 are still in one sub-district with KSB.

"We will build it around the Tanjung Priok area. I have heard complaints, maybe in the Nagrak Flats it is far away. Well, when asked, the time is still one year. Please be patient, we will wake up the best," Heru promised.

Heru emphasized that the Rusunawa built by the DKI Provincial Government has complete facilities. Starting from posyandu services, playgrounds, public transportation services, and so on.

From now on until the flats are officially established, Heru invites residents to inhabit the Nagrak Flats and Pasar Rumput Flats for a while.

"Once again, emphasize that I, PJ Governor of DKI, do not ignore it. I think and provide the best solution for residents, I am a resident of Jakarta. I feel them," he said.

KSB was founded and inaugurated by Anies Baswedan while still serving as Governor of DKI Jakarta in October 2022. At that time, Aniaa built KSB to be inhabited by residents of Kampung Bayam who were affected by evictions for the construction of JIS.

The polemic between the residents of Kampung Bayam and the DKI Provincial Government began when Anies no longer served as Governor of DKI Jakarta. Initially, residents of Kampung Bayam were not allowed to inhabit KSB because they did not agree with the amount of the rental rate set by PT Jakpro as the DKI BUMD that manages it.

Jakpro offers to rent KSB at general rates, while residents want cheaper programming rates. Therefore, as a temporary solution, the government offers that they inhabit other flats in the North Jakarta area, namely the Nagrak Flat.

The completion of the matter of tariffs has ended in a dead end. The DKI Provincial Government and Jakpro now argue that KSB will be designated as the residence of JIS operational workers. Meanwhile, residents continue to demand that they be able to live in KSB.

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