5 Mukomuko Traditional Markets Still In Arrears In Paying Retribution, The Largest In Agung Jaya Village
Market illustration in Mukomuko Regency. (photo between bengkulu.com/Musriadi)
MUKOMUKO - The Office of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives (Disperuminop) of Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province, has taken important initiative by writing to the village head regarding the arrears in payment of traditional market levies for 2023. Acting Head of the Mukomuko Regency Disperlup, Nurdiana, highlighted the collaboration with 16 village heads in an effort to collect levies from 16 traditional markets in the region. Five of these markets are still in arrears of payments, with Agung Jaya Village prominently as the biggest arrears. "This market has been in arrears for two years paying a market levy of Rp. 31 million," he said in Mukomuko, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, January 24. This condition is a special concern because of the duration of the arrears. Nurdiana also revealed that she had made persuasive efforts by sending two warning letters to the Head of the Agung Jaya Village regarding the arrears in 2022 and 2023, totaling Rp19 billion. Apart from Agung Jaya Village, there are four other villages that face similar problems in paying traditional market levies. However, the arrears in these four markets are relatively smaller, ranging from one to two million rupiahs. Despite this arrears, the Mukomuko Regency Disperlocation plans to accept arrears payment in January 2024. Nurdiana emphasized that even though payments were made in 2024, recordings would still reflect the status of 2023.
Furthermore, despite the late payments from five traditional markets, the realization of the original revenue of the Mukomuko Regency area has exceeded the target set for 2023, which is IDR 250 million. This indicates a significant progress in regional revenue management and administrative efficiency in Mukomuko Regency. With ongoing efforts, Disperlupkop Mukomuko Regency is committed to improving PAD through effective management and being responsible for traditional market levies, as well as ensuring the sustainability of these markets as centers of vital local economic activity.

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