JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate number three, Mahfud MD, emphasized that he had never used his position as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) when campaigning. He even often comes to the area secretly so as not to be served.

This was conveyed by Mahfud in the Mahfud Collis event which was broadcast on YouTube today, Tuesday night, January 23. Initially, he made sure he never campaigned by taking advantage of his position.

"Did I use my position to take advantage of state facilities or not? I've been doing this for three months, I've never used state facilities," Mahfud said as quoted from the show.

Mahfud emphasized that this method should be imitated by all candidates. Do not let them take advantage of their positions, for example by campaigning but accompanied by officials in the regions.

"If you become a presidential candidate, become a vice presidential candidate, don't want to be picked up by local officials. Don't want to be escorted, don't want to be accompanied. Just ask the Police for security," he said.

Mahfud confirmed he had asked his staff not to contact officials in the regions during the campaign. Never mind dropping off, hosting is also prohibited to prevent them from breaking the rules.

Moreover, now he calls it a lot of pressure to parties who are suspected of being close to him. Because of the phenomenon of people, if close to political opponents it is difficult, immediately moved, immediately increased, but actually kicked up, and things like that," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK).

However, Mahfud's wish seems far from being burned. Because, he saw other parties who turned out to be taking advantage of his position.

Mahfud did not specify that, but he conveyed a number of phenomena. Among them are joining officials as a successful team.

"It turns out that the situation is not balanced. Other parties seem to use positions, centers and so on, in fact, lastly these ministers who have nothing to do with politics have also joined the success team," he concluded.

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