JAKARTA - Member of the Board of Trustees of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Titi Anggraini advised that the political games of the presidential and vice presidential candidates for the 2024 election, including during the debate, should not be excessive because it would harm the candidate pairs themselves.

"It's okay to think about it, as long as you don't overdose, yes. If you overdose, it can harm your own candidate, yes," said Titi Anggraini as reported by ANTARA, Monday, January 22.

According to Titi, political games during the presidential and vice-presidential debate could actually eliminate the substance of the debate material itself. In fact, he added, there are still vacillatant voters or voting votes whose numbers reach 24.8 percent.

Swingvoters are voters who have made their political choices, but can change their choices ahead of voting due to political dynamics.

Paraswing of the voters, continued Titi, uses the presidential and vice-presidential candidates as a means to consider their political choices in making decisions on February 14.

"The number of voters who are still in doubt is still above 24.8 percent. Of course that (the debate over the presidential and vice presidential candidates) will be an assessment for voters as a consideration in making decisions," said Titi Anggraini.

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