JAKARTA In order to realize Brong's Zero Exhaust and anticipate illegal racing that is troubling the community, the Pati Police Traffic Unit together with joint personnel from the Sat Samapta, Propam and Public Relations of the Hunting System raid at night.

The targets for the Brong exhaust raid were at three points in the city, namely Pati, the Pati South Ring Road and Jalan Pati-Margorejo, consisting of 8 joint personnel teams from the Pati Police.

The Head of Pati Police, Kombes Andhika Bayu Adhittama, through the Head of Traffic Police, Pati Kompol Asfauri, said that the raid at night, especially Sunday nights, was aimed at anticipating or suppressing the number of violations, especially Brong exhausts and illegal races that were very disturbing to the public.

"In this activity, 84 violations were confiscated by officers. Four of them were indicated to be used for illegal racing", said Head of Traffic Police, Kompol Asfauri, in a written statement, Sunday evening, January 21.

He added that the Brong exhaust enforcement activity was one of the preventive steps to create conditions ahead of the 2024 General Election.

"This behavior greatly disturbs the comfort of other people, this is what needs to be anticipated from the start, therefore taking action against the Brong exhaust will continue to be carried out massively so that Pati Regency is more conducive." he concluded.

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