Presidential candidate number one, Anies Baswedan criticized the policy of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) which raised the rental price of buildings at Taman Ismail Marzuki or TIM, Central Jakarta.

According to him, rental prices will affect public activities. So, the government should facilitate and not charge high costs.

"Cultural activities should be facilitated instead of being given a high financing burden," Anies told reporters after discussing with film activists at the Usmar Ismail Film Center Building, Central Jakarta, Saturday, January 20.

It is said, cultural activities are not a field to seek profit. However, it must be facilitated so that the interest of the community, especially the younger generation towards Indonesian culture, is not lost.

"Because it must be a country that helps not a country that burdens it," he said. "So in our saving, all state facilities that can be used to advance culture should be relaxed, the costs should not be increased. And this is a philosophy that must be held," continued Anies.

In addition, said Anies, to maintain young people's interest in culture, it is better if supporting facilities are loaned for free.

"So what I said earlier was that if there were children who wanted to study in the theater, they should have borrowed a place instead of being told to pay for a place," said Anies

The increase in the levy of art and museum buildings in Jakarta is stated in DKI Jakarta Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2024 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Retribution which was recently signed by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Buri Hartono.

The regional regulation was issued on the basis of the regulation of the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2019 concerning Regional Financial Management and Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning Financial Relations between the Central Government and Regional Governments.

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