JAKARTA - As many as 4 health workers (Nakes) at Djasmen Saragih General Hospital, Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra, were named suspects by the police. The four of them are suspected of committing blasphemy in the case of bathing the body of a woman with a COVID-19 patient.

In this case, a petition against the criminalization of health workers appeared on the change.org website, Tuesday, February 22. The petition initiator consists of 9 names, namely, Denny Siregar, Dara Nasution, Ade Armando, Eko Kuntadhi, Akhmad Sahal, Nong Darol Mahmada, Syafiq Hasyim, Kajitow Elkayeni and finally Berliyatin P.

"We sincerely invite all of you to sign this petition to protect medics, the spearhead of the fight against COVID-19. To protect our common sense. There is only one word, fight !!!" wrote the petition quoted by VOI.

In Pematangsiantar City, North Sumatra, medical officers are criminalized. They are accused of defaming religion. This case began during the handling of the body of Zakiah (50), a suspected Covid-19 patient who died on Sunday, September 20, 2020 at Djasamen Saragih Regional Hospital.

The petition also explained the initial chronology of the four health workers until they assumed the status of a suspect. Starting from the body of a woman from Serbelawan, Dolok Batu Nanggar Subdistrict, Simalungun Regency which was bathed by 4 forensic officers at the Djasamen Saragih Regional Hospital.

"They are male, two of whom are nurses," wrote the petition.

For this, the husband did not accept this and complained to the police. Whereas previously he stated that he agreed with the process. The blasphemy clause emerged because of a fatwa from Pematangsiantar's MUI management. Now this case has entered the trial process.

"In a pandemic situation, medical officers are at the forefront of fighting the corona virus. They are struggling with risks, lives are at stake. Everything is done to serve the community to be safe. We certainly don't want to be a savage nation. Instead of being grateful for their dedication, now we even want to. jail them on ridiculous charges, "the petition stressed.

The petition initiator demands 5 things. First, the state must free them from all demands. Because this case is legal manipulation on the pretext of being forced. Blasphemy is the opinion of the MUI which is not a legal authority in Indonesia. Religious organizations should not be used as a legal basis, because their opinions are not laws.

Second, if this case continues in the judicial process, the government must prepare the best lawyer to release them. The government has been negligent in allowing this case to continue without the slightest defense, their sin must be atoned for by saving the criminalized medical officer.

Third, the government must protect medical workers from similar cases in the future. Because medical officers are the ones who are fighting as hard as they can to fortify the community from COVID-19. Their hard work must be rewarded, their safety must come first.

Fourth, the COVID-19 Task Force Team must take responsibility for this case and must not let go. Because medics are the front organ of this team. The negligent attitude of the COVID-19 Task Force Team violated their duties and function of formation, because they did not provide protection to medical personnel.

"Law enforcement officials should not recklessly use the blasphemy article in handling cases. Do not let this article become a symbol of oppression of the majority or become a symbol of persecution of those deemed not in accordance with religious interpretation." so read the five petition demands.

Until 13.02 WIB, the petition had been signed by 5,256 people.

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