Ganjar Considers Nusakambangan Prison To Be The Best Place To Hold Corruptors
Presidential Candidate Ganjar Pranowo/DOK ANTARA/HO-Team Media Ganjar Mahfud)

JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo alluded to the Nusakambangan Penitentiary (Lapas) as the best place to detain convicts in corruption cases. This is considered to be able to provide a deterrent effect in addition to impoverishing corruptors.

This was conveyed by Ganjar at the KPK Integrity Paku event which was attended by three candidate pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates at the KPK's Red and White building, Kuningan, South Jakarta. Placement in Nusakambangan is considered to make corruptors afraid in addition to implementing money laundering (TPPU).

"I think Nusakambangan is the best place for it and it is mandatory to impose additional articles related to money laundering offenses," said Ganjar, Wednesday, January 17.

In addition, Ganjar also talked about the importance of a draft asset confiscation law to provide a deterrent effect. "This is a response that we can give in a fairly clear way," he said.

"Regulations that have a deterrent effect really must be encouraged so that we can protect the conflict of interest so that there is no conflict," concluded Ganjar.

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