Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto admitted that he agreed with presidential candidate Anies Baswedan regarding political will, aka political will, as a strong impetus in efforts to eradicate corruption.

"Second, in my opinion the will of politics. Political will. Earlier I agreed with Mr. Anies earlier, it must be from above. Political will. political will. Political will to uphold the eradication of corruption," Prabowo said in PAKU Integrity (Strengthening Anti-Corruption for presidential and vice presidential candidates 2024) at the KPK, Wednesday, January 17.

Prabowo spoke of his experience in the army. If the leader sets a bad example, his subordinates, Prabowo said, would be even worse. J

"So we must always lead by example, transparent, and always uphold, although it may be tough," continued Prabowo.

In his presentation, Prabowo emphasized the approach to improving the system by taking firm action against perpetrators of corruption.

"Corruption is what Indonesia can damage, it can fail Indonesia, thank God, it will quickly increase to become a developed country. And that's what we want and we can achieve. Our country is very rich, our country is very potential, our country is very likely to jump into a great country," said Prabowo.

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