Deputy Chairperson of the National Mandate Party (PAN), Viva Yoga Mauladi, stated that his party opened the door wide for Maruarar Sirait if he wanted to join after choosing to leave the PDI-P.

This was said by Viva Yoga in response to the issue of Maruarar who is familiarly called Ara joining one of the political parties in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM).

"Anyone citizen, regardless of ethnicity, regardless of religion, regardless of custom, is free to express and be creative in PAN. We are waiting for Mas Ara at PAN's house," said Viva Yoga, Wednesday, January 17.

According to Viva, the joining of Ara to PAN will add new energy to the party chaired by Zulkifli Hasan. Moreover, Ara is already experienced in the national political arena.

"PAN will accept it with open arms and a wide heart. Because Mas Ara is a national figure who has national experience, and if he wants to enter PAN, it will increase energy in PAN. Because PAN is a nationalist and religious party," he explained.

However, Viva did not want to interfere with Ara's business regarding the reasons for leaving PDIP. If Ara's decision because he was motivated by President Jokowi's attitude, according to him, it is the personal right of the person concerned.

"It became an individual decision, we were not involved. Because of course, there are several reasons why Ara left PDIP," said Viva Yoga.

Previously, the issue of Maruarar joining one of KIM's political parties was revealed by the chairman of the Golkar Party DPP, Meutya Hafid. However, he said, Maruarar would join a party other than Golkar.

"I heard maybe to another place, but I just heard about it," Meutya told reporters at the DPR Building, Tuesday, January 16.

"But Golkar is open. We're just happy. I know Ara too, maybe to Golkar, maybe other places too," he continued.

Meutya was reluctant to mention what party lattice Ara would choose, Maruarar's nickname. Even so, he believes that the party is still in the same coalition supporting Paslon number 2, Prabowo-Gibran.

"Yes, definitely in one coalition (KIM, ed),"

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