Overcoming Dog Meat Trade, Surakarta DPRD Affirms Sociological Approach Apart From Regulation
Illustration. Dog shelter in Semarang, Central Java. (ANTARA-Immanuel C S)

The Surakarta City DPRD said that the problem of trading dog meat, which is still happening in Solo, does not only require regulations for its resolution but also a sociological approach.

"First of all, this settlement cannot be from the regulatory side as a first step, the regulation is the last step," said Deputy Chairman of the Surakarta City DPRD Sugeng Riyanto in Solo, Central Java (Central Java), Tuesday, January 16, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said the first step that must be taken is a sociological approach from the leadership. Related to this, his party has conveyed it directly to the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

"I gave a parable, for example, like this, when Pak Jokowi resolved the issue of PKL Banjarsari, it was not with regulations. The Banjarsari street vendor who was transferred to Pasarkliwon was not with a regulatory approach but a sociological approach, invited to eat, invited to chat, invited to chat," he said.

Only after going through a long discussion process, the execution of the transfer of new traders was carried out.

"That's after a lot of casual talks, casual talks. Then it is accommodated what the traders propose, then move on to the approximate, without having to issue regulations that the street vendors must disband, right," he said.

Similar to the problem of dog meat, he said, if Gibran wants to solve the problem in Solo, his approach must be sociological.

"Now the regulations are okay, but at the end, just finish the touch, whether it's through a circular or perwali," he said.

According to him, Gibran should have the device to solve the problem with a sociological approach.

"By involving people who have influence in this field, then providing support for the policy of changing the profession of dog meat traders," he said.

To resolve this, according to him, it can be supported by the Surakarta City Regional Budget.

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