YOGYAKARTA - Wrapped and dry hair does make you less confident. In addition to disturbing appearance, the condition of this hair is also difficult to regulate or easily looks messy. There are some tips for dealing with tangled and dry hair that you can apply.

You should first understand what causes the hair to become dry and tangled. This condition can occur because oil on the scalp is not enough to rotate the hair stems. Some external factors can also cause dry hair, such as the use of chemicals and hair conditioners, shampooing with warm water, hot weather, UV exposure, and others.

A number of the above factors trigger cortical damage and hair citcula. As a result, the hair becomes tangled and dry and not shiny. In addition, increasing age also affects hair that is prone to damage. Therefore, it is very important for everyone to maintain the health of their hair.

If you experience this, you can still restore the appearance of your hair to soft, shiny, and healthy. So how or tips on dealing with tangled and dry hair that must be done?

Dry and tangled hair can be experienced by anyone, both children and adults. This condition should not be allowed because it affects hair health for a long time and interferes with appearances.

The key to maintaining hair health is routine maintenance and the use of the right product. Here are some tips for overcoming tangled and dry hair that you can practice:

Shampo which has a gentle and moisturizing formula is the right choice to solve the problem of dry and tangled hair. This type of shampoo is very effective in unraveling tangled hair and restoring moisture to hair fiber.

If you have curly hair, it is recommended to use the hydrating detox shampooo which can provide nutrients to your hair. When choosing shampoo or conditioner, pay attention to keywords such as moisturizing, motion control, or friction control.

Serum is a hair care product that is very useful for helping smooth hair fiber and providing a finer look. Choose a serum that contains moisturizing ingredients. For example, ingredients such as Dimethikone, which can smooth and soften hair fiber effectively.

Another way to deal with tangled hair is to use essential oil. This step is very important to apply because tangled hair tends to lose a lot of moisture.

You can use pure olive oil from the roots to the ends of your hair, then leave it for about 20 minutes so that oil can absorb. After being applied evenly, hair cover with hairnets or towels so that oil seeps into the hair and scalp.

Another effective tip to prevent dry hair is to use hair masks regularly. Choose a hair mask that can help maintain moisture.

Hair masks are excellent for recovering moisture and hair hydration, as well as helping prevent hair from becoming tangled. Use this mask one every three times a week for stronger and more manageable hair.

Branched ends of hair can cause hair stems to become wider, making hair tangled. To prevent hair from getting dry, it is very important to keep hair tips smooth and cut regularly. It is recommended to cut hair every 6-8 weeks to prevent fatigue due to branched hair.

The use of non-ionic hair dryers can damage hair and cause it to become tangled. It is better to limit the use of hair dryers and let hair dry up naturally.

One of the hair drying techniques naturally is to use cotton shirts. Use this cloth as a sanitary napkin and hair dryer after bathing or wet hair. But if you're in a hurry and have to use a hair dryer, make sure to use an ionic dryer and apply hot protective fluid.

Those are some tips for overcoming tangled and dry hair that you need to know. To avoid dry and dull hair, make sure to take regular care and choose a product that matches your hair character. Also read how to take care of your hair so that it remains moist and shiny.

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