A total of 10 officers suspected of violating the code of ethics related to motor vehicle testing services at the Motor Vehicle Testing Unit (UP PKB) of the Sorolangu Regency Transportation Service, Jambi, South Sumatra OKI Regency and Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan underwent a code of ethics trial.

The trial of the Motor Vehicle Testing Code of Ethics was carried out by the Indonesian Motor Vehicle Testing Association (IPKBI) and the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation.

The General Chairperson of the IPKBI, Fatchuri stated, the violation of standard operating procedures (SOP) in the implementation of motor vehicle testing is considered an intolerable serious violation.

Therefore, violators must be subject to severe sanctions to provide a deterrent effect on the perpetrators and other examiners so as not to commit the same violation.

"The actions of motorized vehicle testers who are not disciplined, such as conducting brokers (intermediaries) to testing vehicles that are not in accordance with the SOP, can be sanctioned by freezing up to the revocation or dismissal as motor vehicle testers," Fatchuri told reporters, Thursday, May 9.

Another sanction is, continued Fatchuri, that the PKB UP implementation unit that receives services that are not in accordance with the provisions, can be closed or frozen with closure or freezing of services in the three districts.

Furthermore, the operations of the three PKBs will be supervised by the Ministry of Transportation's work team and IPKBI elements to improve their performance until they meet minimum service standards and can be reopened.

"The recommendation for sanctions from the code of ethics trial was conveyed directly to the Director General of Land Transportation as a coach of professional organizations and accreditation. This periodic testing implementation unit is a firm step in carrying out coaching duties in accordance with the provisions of PM 156 of 2016 article 48, and Permenhub number 19 concerning periodic tests," he said.

Fatchuri further said that in the code of ethics trial it was decided with the recommendation that the three PKB UP units be temporarily closed until further improvement and supervision through a joint team.

The three are UP PKB in Sarolangun Jambi Regency, OKI Regency, South Sumatra and UP PKB in Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan.

"Another sanction is that 10 testers who violate the code of ethics are lowered to competency level and frozen for 3 years," he said.

The violation of the SOP by the vehicle testers, continued Fatchuri because they did not present the vehicle's physicality in the periodic test of the vehicle.

Then received a test ride without a recommendation from the UP PKB as long as it was registered for the vehicle. Doing the mall practice filling in evidence of passing a test that is not in accordance with the provisions, passing over-dimensional vehicles.

Just so you know, the code of ethics trial is one of the agendas for fostering professional organizations according to the mandate of Permenhub 156 of 2016 article 48, in its implementation it forms a working team called the Motor Vehicle Test Code of Ethics Court consisting of the head of the ethics code trial from the professional elements of the IPKBI DPP, legal advisors, prosecutors, and coaches. The implementation of motor vehicle testing aims to improve road transportation safety.

The code of ethics trial was chaired by the Chairperson of the Eddy Suzendi trial, the Public Prosecutor Chisqil and the Legal Advisor, Muslim Akbar. Meanwhile, the supervisory board consists of the General Chairperson of the IPKBI, the Ministry of Transportation's Personnel Bureau and the Periodic Test Sub-Directorate of the Ministry of Transportation's Facilities, as well as the Legal Section of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Transportation. (Rizky Sulistio)

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