JAKARTA The Indonesian government and the World Food and Agriculture Organization or Food and Agriculture (FAO) have agreed to produce young farmers. FAO will provide technical assistance to Indonesia in programs to empower young people in the agricultural sector. The assistance is worth USD460.309 for the period January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025.
Presidential Chief of Staff, General TNI (Ret.) Dr. Moeldoko, said this collaboration was to answer the challenges of the human resource crisis in the agricultural sector which was considered to be able to threaten global and national food security. As is known, the 2023 agricultural census data shows 42 percent of Indonesian farmers are generation X aged 43 58.
"The global problem in realizing food security is the regeneration of farmers," said Moeldoko after signing a memorandum of understanding for the Technical Corporation Program (TCP) with FAO Representative Indonesia and Timor Leste, Rajendra K. Aryal, at the Bina Graha building, Jakarta, Monday, January 15.
Moeldoko explained that empowering young people in agriculture will be carried out by providing various trainings, especially the use of digital technology in managing agriculture through the concept of smart farming. In the early stages, training will involve young people in Pramuka and the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI).
"Because in fact we have made a pilot program in Cibubur, the President has also been there. The goal is for young people to understand agriculture and then love it because agriculture is not only for stomach needs, this can have an impact on political stability and others," explained Moeldoko.
Furthermore, he conveyed that the empowerment program for young people in agriculture will be escorted by the Presidential Staff Office, FAO, the National Food Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Bank Indonesia, and Pertamina. Meanwhile, its implementation involves various stakeholders, such as HKTI and National Kwartir (Kwarnas) Pramuka.
Moeldoko revealed that FAO's technical assistance in empowering young people in agriculture in Indonesia began with his working visit to the FAO forum, in Rome, on October 21, 2023.
At that time, the 2013 2015 TNI Commander conveyed the importance of regeneration of farmers, which is currently a world problem. Where on the one hand world growth increases, but on the other hand, land, products, and agricultural actors continue to decline.
Responding to this condition, continued Moeldoko, he has initiated a movement of young people to farm in new ways, namely smart farming using digital technology.
"I convey concrete steps for young people in the agricultural sector, the Director General of FAO is also interested and provides assistance in the form of technical cooperation programs," he said.
A big collaboration must be carried out for the regeneration of farmers, because the threat of a food crisis is in sight. I invite other parties who have a common concern for joint collaboration," said Moeldoko.
Meanwhile, FAO Representative Indonesia and Timor Leste, Rajendra K. Aryal, conveyed that the regeneration of farmers is a problem for agriculture in Indonesia and many countries. For this reason, FAO through the Technical Corporation Program is ready to provide support to Indonesia and other countries to make agriculture more attractive to the younger generation.
"Indonesia is very progressive in food transformation and I am very happy that this project produces collaboration and brings Indonesia one step further. Hopefully we can get good practice from Indonesia," said Rajendra K. Aryal.
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