The Mukomuko Police Team, Bengkulu, arrested a resident who worked as a night guard officer at the Mukomuko City District Office who was suspected of cultivation marijuana plants at the sub-district office.

Mukomuko Police Narcotics Head Iptu Suprapto said the night guard of the Mukomuko City District Office with the initials H (36) was arrested a few days ago.

"The disclosure of the case of the cannabis plant at the Mukomuko City District Office was based on reports from residents who were then investigated by personnel from the Mukomuko Police Narcotics Unit," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 15.

In addition to arresting the night guard of the Mukomuko City District office, the police secured evidence of 10 cannabis plants in polybags and a package of dried marijuana.

He said, as many as 10 cannabis stems in the polybag were placed in front of the hall building of the Mukomuko City District Office and a package of dried marijuana was stored in a cupboard near the entrance to the sub-district office which is in the center of the district capital.

A total of 10 cannabis plants have grown with varying heights, which is around seven to 15 centimeters.

"Tonight's guard is suspected of embedding marijuana in a polybag, and we are currently still investigating the alleged perpetrator," he said.

Meanwhile, this perpetrator has worked for almost six months as a night guard at the Mukomuko City District office, and the inner cannabis seeds in the polybag are estimated to be three weeks to one month old.

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