WEST PAPUA - Manokwari City Police (Polresta) deployed 297 personnel to secure as many as 673 polling stations (TPS) in nine districts during the 2024 election voting.

"Later there will be security assistance from West Papua Police and Satbrimob personnel," said Head of Operations Section of the Manokwari Police Commissioner Wisnu Prasetyo in Manokwari, West Papua, Monday, January 15, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the distribution of security personnel on voting day will be adjusted to the level of vulnerability of each TPS

Monitoring and evaluation of the level of vulnerability serve as a reference in submitting additional personnel under operational control (BKO) to the West Papua Police.

"From the police data, there are two categories used, namely safe and vulnerable TPS, none of which are very vulnerable," he said.

He explained that the number of Manokwari Police personnel deployed for the security of vulnerable TPS was two people plus BKO from the Regional Police and Satbrimob.

Optimizing security is expected to realize the orderly and smooth implementation of the 2024 General Election according to public expectations.

"Each TPS also has Linmas officers and security assistance from the Kodim 1801 Manokwari personnel," he said.

He explained that the Manokwari Police Intelligence and Security had mapped TPS with vulnerable categories spread over nine districts in Manokwari Regency.

The nine districts in question are West Manokwari, South Manokwari, East Manokwari, North Manokwari, Tanah Rumuh, Warmare, Prafi, Masni, and Sidey Districts.

"Almost all districts have vulnerable TPS. The vulnerabilities in question are like potential fraud," he said.

Wisnu emphasized that the police also anticipate the potential for fraud with the noken voting pattern (one vote from the tribal chief).

Therefore, the distribution of election logistics in the form of ballots will be closely guarded starting from the KPU warehouse to each TPS in nine districts.

"We are coordinating with the KPU and Bawaslu so that ballot boxes are collected in one location. The distributions are shifted together to polling stations," said Wisnu.

He invited all people in Manokwari to maintain the security and security situation ahead of the open campaign which began on January 28-10 February 2024.

The police also involved traditional leaders, community leaders, religious leaders and youth leaders in various activities to face the implementation of the 2024 General Election.

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