The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has coordinated the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) regarding the alleged bribery of a German company, SAP, against officials in Indonesia. According to KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata, the initial information has been pocketed.
"Just now (January 14 evening, ed) I asked the staff that it had been coordinated with the FBI to get more information. So the KPK has received this information," Alexander said when confirmed by reporters, Monday, January 15.
Alexander said that his party is now just gathering further information. He is optimistic that this allegation can be handled because the KPK and the FBI have worked together.
One form of cooperation between these two cross-border institutions is the megacorrupai case of electronic ID cards or e-KTP. The FBI was involved at that time because one of the related parties, namely Johannes Marliem, was in Uncle Sam's country.
In addition, the KPK will also coordinate with the Department of Justice of the United States (US) or the Department of Justice (DoJ) through the US Embassy in Indonesia.
"The KPK's cooperation with DoJ and the FBI has been going well so far," he said.
Allegations of officials in Indonesia accepting bribes from German companies, the SAP were published in an official statement from the US Department of Justice, Thursday, January 11. SAP is required to pay more than 220 million US dollars in the form of fines and administration for bribery cases to government officials in South Africa and Indonesia.
It is stated that there is money and political contributions, electronic transfers, as well as luxury goods purchased when shopping. Giving is intended to obtain bad business benefits between companies and several ministries or institutions in Indonesia.
The government officials in Indonesia in question are suspected of being in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and the Center for Telekomunikasi and Informatics Financing Providers (BP3TI) or the Bakti Kominfo.
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