BEKASI - The police officer who was called Oma because he was suspected of being involved in the prostitution of a high school student with the initials A and a number of other women in the Pondok Gede area, Bekasi City.
"“Oma will also be arrested," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bekasi Metro Police Muhammad Firdaus in a short message to VOI, Sunday, January 14.
Firdaus explained that his party would continue to explore the role of Oma in the person's trade case. Because it is strongly suspected, Oma was involved in persuading victims to want to open BO, aka prostitution practices.
"“ It is still being explored what Oma's role is in the description of the suspect Daniel," he said.
In this case the police have named Danies as a suspect. He was charged with Article 88 of Law 35 of 2014 concerning child protection with a maximum imprisonment of 10 years and/or a maximum fine of 200 million rupiah.
In addition, Daniel is also suspected of having multiple articles on the Child Protection Law and the Law on the Crime of Trafficking in Persons.
Firdaus detailed the chronology of the incident. It started when the victim became acquainted with the perpetrator through an online application in June 2023. They continued to communicate until finally in October 2023 the two promised to meet.
“The victim was promised a vacation to Bali, along with Oma, who said the perpetrator was his grandmother. Finally, the victim wanted to and made an appointment to meet the perpetrator, ” he said.
When meeting, the victim was offered a job as a booking out (BO) woman to serve a masher. However, the victim had rejected the offer.
“Pelaku memaksa dengan mengatakan ‘ belabung sudah sampai sini, berhuga lu’. Pada saat itu posisi korban dan pelaku dalam perjalanan ke salon OMA menggunakan sepeda motor,” ucapnya.
Arriving at the scene, the victim met with OMA. At that time, OMA also invited the victim to work at his place by giving the lure of a big salary. The victim finally accepted the job. Moreover, at that time the victim was fighting with his biological mother.
“ There sister Oma said ‘ have worked here first. Later to Bali. Here the work is BO. There's Sarah and Intan too. If the salary is easy, the place to live has also been prepared. Later when you get a lot of money, you can go home. It can transfer the mother (the victim's mother),” said Kasat imitating the victim's words, which at that time were being persuaded by the perpetrator's grandmother.
After receiving the job, the victim began to be documented by Daniel. The results of the photos were used as a profile for Michat's online application as a BO woman. The perpetrator sold the victim to serve guests in the amount of Rp. 300 thousand.
"300 thousand to the masher. The money was handed over to Daniel. The victim only got 50 thousand. The rest was held by Daniel, ” explained Kasat.
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