BeKASI - Photos circulating showing conversations in a WhatsApp group called 'Oma Children.' The WA group allegedly contains booking order (BO) women by the alleged perpetrator called Oma. As is known, the victim with the initials A (15) said that she had been made a BO woman by the perpetrator named Daniel (17). He was included in a group that was allegedly the same as A. In addition, there is the figure of Oma who also invites to work in this field and provides a place for guests and victims. Based on monitoring in the WA group, the names of the group founders are Yakni Oma. In addition, there are other names such as Intan, Rio, Aditya, Kak Lidya to Noel. It is suspected that the group contains women who are used as call women or open BOs. The number of women is more than 6 people including A or the reporter. Seen in the scattered photo, it appears that Oma's conversation questioned the services of her children who were asked by her guests with various things. However, one of the women named Intan had refused to follow the wishes of the guests and Oma alias Mami. This is the beginning. Don't cancel it, if you're naked you'll definitely pay, ” Oma said in the conversation seen by VOI, Sunday, January 14. After that, it was shown in another photo, which explained that Intan had served her guests. Then Intan gave a bonus money to Oma, because she had been looking for her guest. "“Tips Intan (for) Oma (As much as IDR 200 thousand)," he wrote. “Ok,” Oma replied. Contacted separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bekasi Metro Police, Muhammad Firdaus, said that his party would further explore this matter.
Investigators will dig up information from the suspect, Daniel. The goal is to find out Oma's role in this human trafficking case. “ It is still being explored what Oma's role is from the disputed statement, ” Firdaus said in a short message.

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