The Center for Volcanology and Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) again reminded residents to stay away from and not enter a radius of 4.5 kilometers from the peak of Mount Marapi (Verbeek) as high as 2,891 meters above sea level (masl).

"If there are still residents who are within a radius of 4.5 kilometers, please evacuate immediately," said Head of the Emergency Response Team for the Eruption of Mount Marapi from PVMBG, Kristianto, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, January 13.

PVMBG still needs valid data from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), whether or not there are still people living within a radius of 4.5 kilometers.

Referring to the recommendations issued by PVMBG on Tuesday (9/1/2024) regarding the increase in level III of Mount Marapi, the community living around Mount Marapi, climbers, visitors or tourists should not enter or carry out activities within a radius of 4.5 kilometers from the eruption center (Verbeek Luxury).

Previously, Kristianto had coordinated with BPBD regarding the mapping of which areas entered a radius of 4.5 kilometers. Therefore, PVMBG encourages data adjustments to real conditions in the field.

"We have conveyed to BPBD to convey which areas have residents in the 4.5 kilometer area," he said.

Considering that currently the status of Mount Marapi is at level three (standby), Kristianto appealed to the public to continue to follow the directions and recommendations issued by PVMBG.

Regarding the spread of volcanic ash which is still happening, PVMBG also reminds residents to always use masks to prevent health problems such as upper respiratory tract infections (Ispa).

The public is also asked to be aware of the threat of cold lava, especially those living around the river that originates in Mount Marapi. Moreover, in recent times the intensity of rainfall has been quite high.

PVMBG has also not fully detailed how many times the cold lava has occurred after the eruption of Mount Marapi on Sunday (3/12/2023). However, his party said that they would immediately coordinate with BPBD regarding the data.

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