The candidate for vice president number 3 Mahfud MD said through the Sakti ID card that the distribution of social assistance to the poor would be more targeted.

"Social guarantees, currently there is social assistance that can not be poor people. The poor can, but many cannot, who can even have cars, officials. Because there is no magic (KTP) card whose magic is poor, where is it," Mahfud said in an event entitled "Bedah Idea & Vision Candidate National Leaders" at Hasanuddin University, Makassar City, South Sulawesi, reported by ANTARA, Saturday, January 13.

He said sometimes there are people who have two addresses, at one of the addresses claiming to be poor people so that the person gets social assistance.

"Sometimes when he works in Jakarta, his home address is also in Makassar. Then in Makassar he claims to be a poor person, in Jakarta he is rich," said the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

Mahfud MD also ensured that the social assistance program would continue because it was on a tour in the law.

"The social assistance will definitely continue. Don't say that social assistance is a gift from the president, no. It is in Article 34 paragraph 1, it reads that the poor and neglected children are cared for by the state. That is one form for those who are still poor in giving social assistance first until he improves his life," he explained.

Furthermore, every poor child's family is educated until a university by the state. "We take one, you go to school until the university, the country sends it. If you succeed, build your family," said Mahfud.

Previously, presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo stated that he promised to perfect social assistance and the distribution of other assistance so that it is more targeted and right on purpose.

Ganjar assessed that the social assistance program is the state's obligation to ensure the people are prosperous. The reason is, social assistance itself is a mandate from the state budget that has been set with the government and the DPR.

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