A family in Lebak Regency, Banten is paralyzed, hoping for assistance from philanthropists and the government to ease their economic burdens.

"We see that their families are quite concerned, because there are six people who are paralyzed and only one person is the backbone of the family," said Erni, an RT 09 RW 02 Cihuni Village, Curugpanjang Village, Cikulur District, Lebak Regency, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, January 12.

Erni said that one Saepul family (55) who experienced paralysis consisted of a wife named Ela (55) and her son Edi (25) as well as Saepul's sister-in-law named Sumantri (34), Misro (50), Rohman (40), Rohmat (35) and Maman (37).

All their families occupy one stage house and the condition is quite severe and it is also difficult to walk and move on the legs, hands and back.

Meanwhile, the backbone to meet the availability of food and the family's economy only relies on Saepul.

Meanwhile, Saepul's efforts as a laborer are odd and sometimes can meet the availability of family food if someone orders him to work.

If there is no work, it will be difficult to meet family consumption.

Therefore, sometimes neighbors provide food assistance so they can eat.

"We hope that donors and local governments can provide assistance to families who are paralyzed in order to ease the burden on the family's economy," said Erni.

Saepul said he was the backbone of the family if he did not have money because no one ordered him to work in the garden and was forced to consume cassava and bananas.

In addition, sometimes food assistance can be received from neighbors, so that families who experience paralysis can eat.

Symptoms of paralysis feel weak, excessive dizziness, blurred eyes, sore waist and legs.

The paralysis began with a brother-in-law named Misto and then his wife Ela and then another sister-in-law and her own child.

Those who experience paralysis are 30 years old, 20 years until the last 5 years.

Of the six people who suffered from paralysis, two of them were referred to Rangkasbitung Adjidarmo Hospital, but did not recover.

Meanwhile, four other people have not been treated at the local hospital or health center.

"We only surrendered because various treatments have been taken, so far the six people have time to sleep and sit down, because they have not recovered - recovered," said Saepul.

Acting Regent of Lebak Iwan Kurniawan instructed the Health Service, Social Service, and the Cikulur Health Center to handle a family who is paralyzed so that medical treatment and treatment can also receive basic material assistance.

"We focus so that families who experience paralysis can be handled properly," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of Health Services at the Lebak District Health Office, Dr. Firman Rahmatullah, said that most likely a disease that experienced paralysis that hit a family had genetic factors.

"We will certainly carry out inspections and maintenance of their heads," he said.

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