PASURUAN - Vice Presidential Candidate number 3 as well as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD did not question the statement of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo regarding the leadership relay to continue President Joko Widodo.

"Yes, that's okay. We will all continue, it will not dissolve the country," Mahfud said after visiting Darut Tauhid Canga'an Bangil Islamic Boarding School in Pasuruan Regency, East Java, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, January 12.

Mahfud said Listyo Sigit's statement was correct regarding the leadership relay through the 2024 General Election.

"Yes, that's it, right? This is looking for a leadership relay. Every five years, the leader needs to be evaluated. If it's been two terms, it must be replaced. Then, the people are looking for it. Isn't it the police chief, Will it be? The leadership relay," said Mahfud.

Previously, at the 2023 Christmas celebration of the National Police Headquarters in Jakarta, Thursday (11/1), General Sigit said that through the 2024 presidential election, leaders were looking for who could continue the leadership relay.

"What we are looking for is a leader who can continue the leadership relay. Not because of differences, in the end it is not the leader we are looking for; but what we maintain is differences and then what we get is conflict," said Sigit when giving a speech at the PTIK Auditorium.

National Police Chief Sigit also said that the 2024 election would be very important for the fate of the Indonesian nation in the future.

"The election we face this time is certainly a very important election and determines the fate of the nation in the future, because here our people will choose a candidate for national leader who will continue the captain of the national leadership as president," said Sigit.

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