JAKARTA - The National Campaign Team (TKN) Young Voters (Fanta) launched the design of Prabowo-Gibran merchandise to reply to attacks on presidential and vice presidential pairs number 2.KN Commander Fanta Arief Rosyid Hasan, said the launch of this merchandise design was a form of contribution for young people in celebrating the five-year democratic party in Indonesia. The event which was held at Gama Tower, Jl HR Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Thursday, January 11. The designers Didit Prabowo and Fero Walandouw also attended. The manufacture of this work, he said, is in line with Prabowo-Gibran's direction to repay any attacks and slander in a positive way. "We are that if there is an attack we cannot reply to an attack, but we reply with a smile, dance, and most importantly a work," explained Arief. "Because, that's what makes young children in Indonesia will be better and more advanced," he continued. Arief also appreciated Prabowo's son, Didit, who is also a well-known designer of Indonesia at the launch of the design. He considered, his presence as a form of support and motivation for young people to continue working. "We are very proud of the support given. We are very proud that there will be born many young children whose work is worldwide," said Arief.

Meanwhile, the designer who is also an artist Fero Walandouw said the design of Prabowo-Gibran merchandise will be donated to the community. He hopes that the work of this bahgsa child can be utilized by creative business actors and MSMEs. "The details are donated to friends everywhere. So the design can be redesigned again and they can get income from there too," said Fero.

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