Malang City Resort Police (Polresta) revealed the motive for the murder case accompanied by mutilation with the suspect with the initials AR aged 39 years against the victim with the initials AP aged 34 years, a resident of Surabaya City, East Java. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Malang City Police Commissioner Danang Yudanto said the motive for killing the victim was because he was emotional due to an argument that occurred at a boarding house on Jalan Sawodjajar Gang 13A, Kedungkandang District. "There was a fight. The victim hitting the perpetrator, the perpetrator replied by hitting the victim's nose. Then the perpetrator took a sharp weapon and stabbed the victim in the neck. The victim was bleeding and eventually died," said Danang as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 11. Danang explained that the perpetrator and the victim knew each other in June 2023 through a dating application. In the application, the perpetrator advertises massage services and occult or witchcraft. According to him, the victim who saw the advertisement contact the perpetrator and meet on June 13, 2023, to use the services of the occult. After some time, on October 13, 2023, the victim contacted the perpetrator and said the occult was unsuccessful. "On October 15, 2023, the perpetrator and the victim met at the practice site in Sawojajar. The victim intended to complain, because the occult did not work. Then the fight occurred," he said. After committing the crime of murder, the perpetrator then committed Mutilation of the victim. The victim's body was cut into nine parts and a number of body parts were dumped in the Bango River, Kedungkandang District. Cuts of the victim's body, he continued, were put in three large plastic bags before being dumped into the Bango River. Meanwhile, for pieces of the body in the form of a head, the palms of the hands and the two soles of the feet were buried on the banks of the Bango River. "For tools or knives, then the victim's clothes were also thrown in the Bango River. "Currently still being searched," he added. Disclosure of the murder case accompanied by mutilation began with reports of the loss of family members from the victim at the East Java Regional Police (Polda) on October 17, 2023. Starting from the report, it was found that the victim's vehicle was in the vicinity of the incident. Malang City Police personnel then conducted an investigation and finally uncovered the murder case accompanied by the mutilation. arrested by the ranks of the Malang City Police Satreskrim on January 4, 2024 after deepening and obtaining strong evidence. The suspect was charged with Article 338 or Article 340 and Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code with a threat of 15 years imprisonment or a maximum of life.

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