TRENGGALEK - The Trenggalek Regency Fire Department unit secured a python (Pythonidae) that entered the Darissulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School in Durenan District, Trenggalek.

"The python is approximately 2 meters long," said Head of the Prevention, Fire Management and Non-Fire Division of the Trenggalek Regency Civil Service Police and Fire Department, Wasis Widodo, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 9.

The evacuation of the two-meter-long snake was carried out by a number of brave students.

That said, jasmine animals that have strong and deadly lines can grow large to the equivalent of adult coconut trees.

Because it was dangerous, the snake was later caught by the villagers and placed in an aquarium container.

"So when we got there, the snake had been caught, then placed in the aquarium," said Wasis.

It is not yet known where the snake came from, but it is suspected that it is from a forest not far from the cottage environment. This is because the snake incident entered a residential area on the Menak Sopal Earth, not the first time this has happened.

"Currently we have secured the snake and later released it into its habitat which is far from residential areas," he said.

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