Presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, urged the Indonesian defense white paper to be prepared immediately.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after attending a meeting with the TPC and coalition party candidates in D'pillars Resto Cilacap, Central Java, Tuesday, January 9.

Initially, he said the purchase of the main weapon system (alutsista) continued to implement the Government to Government or Government (G2G) system.

"(The purchase of defense equipment) does not involve anyone in fact. In the context of government, it is important for me to government," said Ganjar, confiscated by Antara.

Therefore, the government must continue to develop the domestic defense industry. Ganjar gave an example, PT PAL Indonesia has produced submarines in collaboration with South Korea.

According to him, the development of domestic industries must be continued and improved because it is the strength of the nation's children.

The former governor of Central Java added that to be able to strengthen national defense and security, consistency in planning is very important.

"So, criticism in planning is important, don't go back and forth. Once again it is important. So it needs to be compiled a white paper for Indonesia's defense," he concluded.

The Indonesian Defense White Book is mandated by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2002 concerning National Defense. Article 16 paragraph 4 explains that the "defense white paper" is a comprehensive defense policy statement issued by the Minister and disseminated to the general public, both domestic and international, to create mutual trust and eliminate potential conflicts.

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