Alluding To Foreign Debt, Ganjar Pranowo: No Debt, No Usang
Ganjar Pranowo captures the screen

Presidential Candidate Number 3 Ganjar Pranowo alluded to Indonesia's foreign debt (ULN). Ganjar warned to be careful if he wanted to owe. He doesn't want Indonesia to collapse due to debt.

Ganjar admitted that he pocketed data that many countries in the world had collapsed because they took debts too high. Therefore, he said debt is something deadly.

"We read the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man from John Amazed, that these debts can be deadly. So be careful if you want debt," said Ganjar in the 2024 Presidential Candidate Debate, quoted from the Indonesian KPU YouTube, Sunday, January 7.

Instead of relying on debt, Ganjar admitted that he wanted to use domestic strength. He targets Indonesia's economic growth to be at the level of 7 percent.

"Then the government runs, ICOR goes down 4 percent and we must really be anti-corruption if it is not done," he said.

Ganjar also said that the Indonesian defense industry must be strengthened. He admitted that he did not want to procure an outdated used defense equipment.

"So, I apologize for the connection with debt, no debt, no obsolete. So that our defense equipment is really a transfer of technology," he said.

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