TANGERANG The syndicate of fraud and embezzlement of rental cars that have been circulating in Tangerang has been arrested. It is known that the perpetrators numbered three people named Eko Wantoro, Mukamad and Nur. They are specialists in rental car fraud who have taken 14 cars away.

Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Baktiar Joko Mujiono said his party had just received a report from the victim on December 27, 2023.

After an investigation, one of the perpetrators was arrested at Perum Regensy, Gelam Jaya Village, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency.

"What we managed to arrest were three perpetrators, for cases of embezzlement and fraud," Joko told reporters at the Pasar Kemis Police, Friday, January 5.

According to Joko, the perpetrator named Eko Wanarto contacted the victim, namely Ahmad Hapipudin. Joko competed like consumers in general who wanted to rent a car, with a rental price of Rp. 250 thousand and was rented for 10 days.

However, said Joko, the perpetrator asked for payment at the end, the reason was that there was a need for funds to pay for his subordinates.

The victim also handed the car over to a witness named Sakirli, to be given to Eko. However, after going through the specified day, Eko asked for additional time.

Eko Wantoro asked for another day. Because (the victim) was suspicious, he came and asked where the car was, "he said.

Until finally Eko admitted that the car he rented had been pawned by someone else.

"Then Eko explained that actually the car had been pawned to the cloth people," he continued.

Feeling aggrieved, the victim reported to the Pasar Kemis Police for further investigation. The police immediately conducted an investigation. And as a result, Eko was secured at his home in the Pasar Kemis area, Tangerang Regency.

After the development was carried out, the police arrested two other perpetrators, Mukamad and Nur who were tasked with finding people who wanted to accommodate the pawn car.

"M and NA act as parties who pawn to others," he said.

A total of 8 units of 14 cars were successfully secured by the police as evidence.

The three perpetrators were charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 372 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of more than 5 years in prison.

"(Meanwhile) Mukamad and Nur Adijerat Article 481 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 7 years in prison," he concluded.

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