JAKARTA - The founder and Executive Director of Indo Barometer M. Qodari, believes that the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, has a chance to win the 2024 presidential election one round.

He said his belief reached 70 percent. The reason, he said, was based on survey results from various institutions showing that the Prabowo-Gibran pair was superior to the other two pairs of candidates.

"For me, the percentage is one round of 70 percent," said Qodari in a discussion entitled 'Talking with the Presidential Election in One Round' at the Prabowo-Gibran Volunteer Secretary in Jakarta, Thursday, January 4.

Qodari said a number of survey institutions had put the candidate pair Prabowo-Gibran at the top, which was in the range of 46-47 percent.

"The surveys that I use as references, the figure is 46 to 47 percent. That means only 5 percent has arrived," added Qodari.

Even so, the General Chairperson of the One Round Movement (GSP) said that there are several steps that must be taken by Prabowo-Gibran supporters and sympathizers so that the target of winning one round can be realized.

First, optimizing communication and socialization to all parties, especially to the supporting bases of Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto. Where, he said, the supporters of the two were on opposite sides.

"Well, about this one round, if we talk about it in the future, where is the key? First, we communicate and socialize to all parties, especially those who incidentally actually support Pak Jokowi and Pak Prabowo; because they are people who are actually still in the wrong place," said Qodari.

Second, maintaining stability and security and not being provoked by all forms of provocation from various parties.

"It is important to anticipate TKN in all lines, especially at the lowest, so that it is not provoked If there is a provocation in the field. Increase patience and tawakal, if there is a provocation of restraint, report to the authorities, don't take justice into their own hands," Qodari ordered.

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