JAKARTA - Labor Party President Said Iqbal believes the party he leads passes the parliamentary threshold or the parliamentary threshold of 4 percent in the 2024 election.

"The amount of formal chaos is 8 million. This is what is not taken. This will be a surprise because several survey institutions do not see the strength of the workers who are united," Said said in a written statement, Thursday, January 4, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, this surprise from the workers had occurred in elections in Spain and Brazil. The Labor Party in the two countries has always been released by survey institutions to reach zero percent, but it can enter parliament because survey institutions do not calculate the strength of formal workers and left groups.

"God willing, there will be political turbulence, small parties will qualify for the DPR," he said.

According to Said, the Labor Party is not a party with big capital and does not have a media network. The Labor Party is a poor party that lives on the contribution of its members.

"This party is popularized from word of mouth," he joked.

This was conveyed by Said in response to the results of the Barometer Research Research Survey Institute, which released the results of an internal survey by the Labor Party based on workers and workers. As a result, the Labor Party in the 2024 General Election is predicted to reach 4.8 percent of the national vote.

According to him, the results broke various surveys that placed his party with zero percent electability.

Said is of the opinion that the survey currently circulating is disproportionate in placing labor groups as respondents.

Meanwhile, Research Director Asep Saefudin said that if the election is held today, it is almost certain that the Labor Party will pass the 4 percent parliamentary threshold with an electability of 4.8 percent.

Asep explained that the dominance of the group of workers or laborers chose the Labor Party because it had high hopes for the Labor Party in fighting for its aspirations.

For example, about decent wages, job opportunities, and proper severance pay. This includes being considered consistent in eradicating corruption, removing outsourching, fighting for social security, rejecting the contract employee system, so as to maintain stability in the price of goods.

The results of this internal survey by the Labor Party were carried out with a sample of 2,400 respondents who spread proportionally in 38 provinces.

The survey was held in mid-November-December 2023, with a margin of error of 2 percent at a confidence level of 95 percent.

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