JAKARTA - A video showing a bride passing through the flood completely with her arms and traditional clothes using a baby bathtub has gone viral on social media. This video was taken on Saturday, February 20, or when a number of areas in DKI Jakarta were flooded due to high rainfall since Friday, February 19.

"This morning my neighbor succeeded in passing through the flood for marriage ... even though she had to use it like a baby #flood," wrote a netizen Windy Satria who uploaded the video on his Twitter account @windysatria.

In the video, a bride who is ready to carry out the wedding procession is seen sitting on a white baby bathtub. He is also seen holding a blue umbrella with Mickey Mouse on it.

The tub appeared to be lifted by four other men. While the groom, who is also in a tidy condition, appears in behind.

Just like the bride, the groom also climbs into the green bucket in a squatting position and is picked up by three other men. The procession in the middle of this flood seems to have caused attention to local residents.

The owner of the account, contacted by VOI, said the incident occurred at around 10:00 West Indonesia Time in Tegal Parang, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta.

"Yes (neighbor, red). It happened at 10:00 a.m. and the water level reached the waist of an adult. Indeed, the area is prone to flooding, every time it rains," said Windy, Sunday, February 21.

He said the white baby tub and green bucket were used spontaneously. "Because there was no rubber boat at that time," he said.

Previously, a number of areas in DKI Jakarta experienced flooding with varying heights. Responding to this, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said flooding in the capital, especially East Jakarta and South Jakarta, was due to extreme weather and high rainfall.

In a coordination meeting at the Manggarai Water Gate, he explained that the rainfall in Pasar Minggu reaches 226 mm per day, at Sunter Hulu 197 mm, at Halim Perdanakusuma it reaches 176 mm, Lebak Bulus 154 mm.

"All numbers above 150 are extreme conditions. In the division of the scale, there is heavy rain up to 100 mm, then, 100 mm-150 mm is very heavy and above 150 mm is extreme rain," said Anies at Pintu Air Manggarai, Central Jakarta, Saturday, February 20.

Unfortunately, said Anies, the drainage system in DKI is built with a rainfall capacity of between 50 and 100 millimeters per day. Drainage in the area is unable to accommodate water with high rainfall, resulting in water overflows to settlements.

"The capacity of the drainage system in Jakarta ranges from 50 to 100 mm. If it rains above 100 mm per day, then inundation will definitely occur because the capacity is limited to 100 mm," he said.

Therefore, Anies will prioritize handling residents who appear to be flooded. Starting from the preparation of evacuation places, to evacuating residents trapped in settlements.

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