More than a thousand farmers in Demak Regency enthusiastically welcomed Ganjar Pranowo's arrival in Wilalung Village, Gajah District, Presidential Candidate number 3 are committed to adding a special fertilizer quota for farmers so that there are no more shortage problems.

When Ganjar arrived at the location, he was immediately greeted by farmers by giving a cap. Furthermore, the former Governor of Central Java served a request for shake hands and took selfies, and then had a dialogue with the farmers.

There are more than a thousand farmers who are enthusiastic about participating in dialogue. They vented to Ganjar, ranging from irrigation water, scarcity of fertilizer to people's business credit debt (KUR) for planting capital.

According to Ganjar, fertilizers have become the basic needs of farmers in producing. So, the government must provide fertilizers according to the quota needed by farmers.

"So Ganjar-Mahfud is committed by the state to meet the needs of farmers' fertilizers," said Ganjar, Tuesday, January 2.

One of them is by setting up a fertilizer factory. For distribution, it will be done through one Sakti ID card data.

"So that it is right on target, later the data collection will only use an ID card. Yes, the Sakti ID card," he said.

On that occasion, Ganjar also conveyed about the debt bleaching program for farmers.

"Yesterday the fishermen, now this is for farmers. Yesterday I opened the data for farmers, we calculated that for bad credit the figure is approximately Rp600 billion," said Ganjar.

From that figure, according to Ganjar, bleaching can be done. So that farmers feel helped, especially those who take KUR.

"Because farmers find it difficult, we will remove the (white) which is approximately Rp600 billion," he explained.

Meanwhile, Adi Leo Saputra, one of the farmers, admitted that Ganjar's program was in favor of farmers. Both about fertilizer and debt bleaching.

"We fully support Pak Ganjar because the program is good for farmers," he said.

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