The Riau Islands Province Bawaslu denied allegations of destroying campaign props (APK) in the form of billboards for presidential and vice presidential candidates 02 Prabowo-Gibran installed on the Batam 'Welcome to Batam' (WTB) icon.
Chairman of the Riau Islands Bawaslu Zulhadril Putra said the installation of the APK in WTB was not in accordance with PKPU number 15 of 2023, so it had to be removed.
He explained that based on the PKPU, it was stated that the APK was prohibited from being installed in places of worship, hospitals, educational facilities, government buildings, certain government-owned facilities, and other facilities that could disrupt general control.
"This includes the zoning that has been determined by the KPU that Article 298 of Law Number 7 of 2017 the APK must pay attention to aesthetics, ethics, cleanliness, beauty of the city. WTB is an icon, and it is very aesthetic if the billboards are installed and violate Article 298," Zulhadril said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 2.
"We carried out control, we opened (the billboards) well, we also folded them, and stored them. We also opened them without using equipment, just use our hands. There were no billboards that were damaged or torn when we did the decline," he added.
Zulhadril said, if he is summoned by the police for the complaint report submitted by the TKD presidential-cawapres 02, his party is ready to provide clarification in accordance with existing regulations.
Before lowering the billboards, his party together with Bawaslu Batam and Panwascam had discussions.
However, based on information received by Bawaslu, the installation of billboards has obtained permission from the Batam City Cipta Karya and Spatial Planning Office.
"We coordinated with Satpol PP who initially wanted to control it, only because there was a permit, so they didn't dare. At that time we also asked for a permit, but we didn't get it. So if we wait for a permit, it's impossible to just leave it, WTB is Batam's icon," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Legal Team and Advocacy for TKD Prabowo-Gibran Kepri Musrin said that he had reported the complaint to the Barelang Police by suspecting that there was an element of destruction carried out by the Head of the Riau Islands Province Bawaslu and the Chairman of Batam Bawaslu regarding the decline in billboards for presidential and vice presidential candidates 02.
"We will wait for the progress of this complaint report, whether there is a criminal element here," said Musrin.
He conveyed that his party deeply regretted the actions taken by Bawaslu, because there was no written notification to the TKD 02 Riau Islands team.
"This means that they are immediately suspected of having removed the Prabowo-Gibran billboard that was installed in the WTB," he said.
Musrin said that on December 27, 2023, his party had submitted an application to the Batam City Government, in this case the Cipta Karya and Spatial Planning Office.
Then on the same date, the letter has been replied to from the relevant agencies, where in the letter a permit was given to TKD 02 to install billboards at WTB.
"Yes, as we sent the letter, it was replied like that and allowed," said Musrin.
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