Members Of The Police Persecuted By A Group Of Youths In Ciputat, Until Their Clothes Were Stripped
Location of the beating of police officers in Ciputat/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG - A police officer is suspected of being the victim of the beating of a number of youths on Jalan Gelagah, Pisangan, East Ciputat, South Tangerang, Sunday night, December 31. Information said that the victim had been stripped of his clothes.

One of the residents with the initials IB said that the perpetrators were on the edge of the alley while enjoying a drinking party (alcohol). However, IB did not tell what caused the violence against members of the Police.

"It was ganged up. The incident here (the mouth of the alley), continued to be dragged there, too," said IB, Tuesday, December 2.

IB again explained that when the beating occurred, the perpetrators continued to arrive until it was suspected that there were more than 7 people.

According to IB, it was difficult for him and other residents to intervene because the perpetrators accused the victim of being the perpetrator of the theft.

"I'm not clear how many people ganged up, maybe ten people. Because friends (perpetrators) came from other places," he explained.

Other residents also confirmed the beating of police officers. However, they do not yet know the main cause.

"We don't know what the beginning was, suddenly it was crowded. Then he (the victim) ganged up," said TK, another resident.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Ciputat Police, Iptu Kresna Siagian H, said that his party was pursuing the perpetrators. Regarding chronology, Kresna has not been able to convey it.

"It actually happened not as reported by you. It's just that I haven't faced the police chief yet, how good it is because it's still being chased," Kresna said, closing the conversation quite briefly.

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