The General Election Commission (KPU) questioned the authentication of videos that went viral on social media regarding thousands of Indonesian citizens in Malaysia who were not included in the DPT (Recent Voter List). "Regarding the video circulating widely on social media, it is important for us to ensure that the video is authentic," said KPU Commissioner Idham Holik when confirmed, Tuesday, December 2. Idham also ensured that if it was true that there were voters who had not been registered in the DPT Abroad, the voters could be categorized as Foreign DPK (Special Voter List). "With these voters records, they have never been registered on the domestic voter list," explained Idham. It is known that a video circulating on the social media of thousands of Indonesian citizens in Malaysia did not enter the DPT, in the narrative, there was an intentional factor by the Malaysian PPLN (Banish Election Committee) to play votes by one of the Paslon or certain parties. "We Aldi have submitted this matter to Bawaslu Malaysia, we are still demanding hundreds of thousands of Indonesian citizens in Malaysia get their voting rights," said the narration in the video.
Explained in Article 125 of KPU Regulation No. 7 of 2022 (1) DPTLN (DPTLN List of Permanent Overseas Voters) and DPTbLN (Overseas Additional Voters List) can be equipped with DPKLN (Specific Overseas Voters List). (2) Voters registered in the DPKLN as referred to in paragraph (1) are voters who are not registered as Voters in the DPT and DPTb, but meet the requirements as Voters. (3) Voters as referred to in paragraph (2) can exercise their voting rights on voting day by showing an e-KTP, Passport or Passport Travel Letter with an address of residence abroad. (4) DPKLN as referred to in paragraph (1) on the day of voting was recorded by the polling group abroad on the list present at TPSLN and reported to PPLN (Offering Election Committee).

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