TANGERANG - Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) DPP Kaesang Pangarep shared his story when a number of people thought he was Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Initially he admitted that he refused to be called Gibran, but at this time, Kaesang had accepted if he was called Gibran. In the beginning, there were a few stories when he was called Mas Gibran, 'no I mas kaesang'. From here I liked it," Kaesang told reporters in the Pagedangan area, Tangerang Regency. Kaesang explained the reason why he had received Gibran. He joked, when he was called Gibran, meaning that the Mayor of Solo had joined his party. "Why? When called Mas Gibran I was wearing a PSI jacket, I meant Mas Gibran to PSI," he was greeted with laughter by the volunteers present. He hoped that his older brother could enter PSI. Kaesang also hoped that the volunteers who were present to encourage Gibran to join PSI. Later Teman-temen here can encourage Mas Gibran PSI. While being whispered a little, who knows. I think that'," he said. On the other hand, Kaesang also asked his volunteers to fight to win Prabowo-Gibran in one round.

"So I can understand all of you, ladies and gentlemen, you can understand PSI better. The important thing is one round. The important thing is PSI can pass," said Kaesang. In addition, he also entrusted the volunteers to vote for PSI in the upcoming election "One of my messages, what I want to echo is the voting of Mr. Gibran 1 round, that's one. the same thing Jokowi chose PSI," he said.

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