The SRAGEN- Prospective vice president number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka started in 2024 with a campaign in front of thousands of masses dominated by mothers in Gemolong Market, Sragen, Central Java, Monday, January 1. The Mayor of Surakarta greeted the people who were in gymnastics together. Narasigemoyram is attached to presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto ahead of the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential General Election (Pilpres). "Ladies and mothers, happy new year. I saw that the journey here is already a good, sophisticated way. In the past, if you wanted to go to the factory the road was still damaged, but now the road is smooth," Gibran said to the masses, as quoted from a written statement received in Jakarta, Monday, January 1. In addition to appreciating the development of the SoloPurwodadi road that has been completed in the Kalijambe to Gemolong region, he also invited the public not to be provoked by emotions despite different political choices. President Joko Widodo's eldest son also appealed to the public not to easily believe in the untrue news circulating in social media.

"Bapak Ibu semua, beda pilihan enggak apa-apa, tetap rukun, menghormati satu sama lain. Di pasangan nomor 2 kita tidak menjelek-jelekan, tidak mau fitnah dan tidak mau menyebarkan hoaks," ujarnya.Pada kampanye tersebut, Gibran didampingi oleh Calon Anggota Legislatif (Caleg) DPR RI dari Partai Gerindra, Tri Agus Bayuseno dan beberapa relawan penyokong Gibran di Sragen.Maryati, salah satu warga Ngembat Padas RT 16, Kecamatan Gemolong, Kabupaten Sragen, mengaku senang bisa ikut hadir dalam senam sehat yang digelar di terminal angkot utara Pasar Gemolong."Ke sini bareng teman, senang sekali bisa ikut senam bareng dan bisa bersalaman langsung dengan mas Gibran," ujarnya.

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