Chairman of Barikade 98 Benny Rhamdani regretted the mistreatment of Ganjar-Mahfud volunteers in Boyolali, Central Java. Benny also asked the TNI Commander General Agus Subyanto to take firm action against members of the TNI who were suspected of being involved in the persecution.

"A safe and peaceful election has been tarnished by unscrupulous TNI soldiers. Therefore, the TNI Commander must thoroughly investigate," Benny said in a written statement in Jakarta, Monday.

Benny condemned the abuse because there was not a single reason to justify the violence in the country.

"We condemn acts of violence in any form. That cannot be justified in a state of law and democracy. Humanitarian crimes should no longer exist on this earth of Indonesia," he said.

Benny hopes that the investigation of the persecution case will not stop taking legal action against a number of TNI soldiers.

He also asked for the motive for the act to be clearly disclosed to the public. The hope is that similar cases will not be repeated in the future and there will be no hoaxes circulating in the community regarding the motive for the violence.

Therefore, the police, the TNI and the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas) must immediately intervene to thoroughly investigate this case.

"In fact, it is not only the legal process, the acts of violence, human rights, the persecution, the motives behind this crime violence must be pursued. We hope that Komnas HAM and the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces will be neutral in investigating this case," he said.

Benny added that the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) had prepared legal assistance for their volunteers who were victims of persecution.

"What we heard was that TPN had prepared legal assistance, led directly by Bang Todung Mulya Lubis," he said.

Previously, TPN Deputy for Law Ganjar-Mahfud, Todung Mulya Lubis, reported that a volunteer died and four people were seriously injured, allegedly due to acts of violence by TNI personnel on Saturday, December 30.

Volunteers who died in the hospital came from Klaten and were suspected of experiencing violence from supporters of other pairs of candidates.

Four victims who were injured as a result of the persecution by TNI personnel were at the local TNI post. Therefore, his party urged the TNI Commander to take immediate action.

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