JAKARTA - Presidential candidate (candidate) number three, Ganjar Pranowo is ready to win the 2024 presidential election. However, he asked his team to work hard in a structured, systematic, and massive manner, as decided by the Constitutional Court (MK).

This was conveyed by Ganjar when speaking in front of the winning team and his volunteers during the National Consolidation entitled 'Ganjar-Mahfud 45 Days to Win' on Saturday, December 30.

"We will gaspol within 45 days, we will prepare more structured, systematic and massive movements such as the Constitutional Court's decision, sir. But this is a good Constitutional Court decision," said Ganjar at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Saturday, December 30.

Ganjar said there are 21 flagship programs offered to the community and it will be realized if elected with Mahfud MD. One of them is the program in Central Java which will be brought to the national level, namely Free Vocational School.

The former governor of Central Java said he had seen a significant change in a family because his son participated in the program. Ganjar said he saw the real results while staying at the house of a Solo resident.

"I told my parents how happy it was when I was in Solo yesterday. I stayed at a resident's house selling cord porridge, his son couldn't accompany me because that night I wanted to stay at his house," said the white-haired figure starting the story.

"This story is a concrete form in which his son is one of the first graduates of the free Central Java Vocational School," continued Ganjar.

He admitted that he was happy to see his program while serving as governor turned out to have a positive impact. The proof is that the restaurant owned by the porridge trader is now worth living in because of the child's hard work.

Not only that, the child has good character. Because, he has shown his love for his parents and family by improving the house.

"Then they raise the poverty of their parents. A concrete example of what we are doing. So when Pak Mahfud said earlier, we will replicate all of Indonesia, that's our nawaitu to raise poverty," concluded Ganjar.

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