JAKARTA - Deputy for Legal Affairs for the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud, Todung Mulya Lubis spoke about the alleged abuse of volunteers that occurred in Boyolali, Central Java. TPN asked TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto to step in to investigate thoroughly because the perpetrators were suspected of being TNI soldiers.

As for information circulating, victims named Arif Diva Ramandani and Slamet Andono are still undergoing treatment at the hospital.

"If that's true, we would like to ask the TNI Commander to take firm action and legally account for those who commit this violence," Todung told reporters at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Saturday, December 30.

Todung emphasized that whatever the reason for this beating could not be justified. "Because we want peaceful elections, elections that comply with the rules," he said.

"So all the brutality and acts of violence violate the law and we cannot accept it, we will process this legally in accordance with applicable regulations," continued Todung.

In addition, Todung also mentioned that there were other incidents of abuse in Yogyakarta. He hopes that the police will immediately carry out an investigation.

"We are very concerned," he said.

Similarly, Secretary of TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Hasto Kristiyanto also asked the police to immediately move to investigate violence against volunteers in Yogyakarta. This is because the victim, Muhandi, died.

"We ask all law enforcement officers not to selectively choose, and thoroughly investigate. Because this election must be peaceful, this election must run safely," he said at the same location.

Hasto expressed his deep condolences for the death of Muhandi. He will continue to monitor and ask all parties to prioritize civility during the campaign period.

"So that this year-end message also brings a message of peace, the message of the people's voice is the voice of the truth and it is better for the entire winning team to focus on winning the hearts of the people in a civilized way. Not in emotional ways," he concluded.

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