BANDA ACEH - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) advised the government to ensure the availability of shelter locations for Rohingya refugees in Aceh Province.

"The government needs to ensure the availability of a central shelter for Rohingya refugees who are currently in Aceh," said Komnas HAM Human Rights Enforcement Sub-Commission Coordinator Uli Parulian Sihombing as reported by ANTARA, Friday, December 29.

Komnas HAM made this statement after monitoring the presence of Rohingya refugees in the Aceh region from November to December 2023.

Monitoring of Komnas HAM focuses on aspects of handling refugees and the social dynamics that arise in the form of actions against the community against Rohingya and carried out in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights.

Uli Parulian said that the Rohingya shelter location must also meet the criteria, such as not being too close to community settlements, being accessible to accessibility related to the provision of basic needs, as well as security guarantees.

"Especially ensuring that local governments through the Ministry of Home Affairs are in line with the central government's policy in terms of handling refugees in accordance with the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 125/2016," he said.

For humanitarian reasons, said Uli, the government together with UNHCR and IOM still need to prioritize the handling of the Rohingya ethnicity in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 125 of 2016 concerning the Handling of Refugees from Overseas which is the normative and coordinative basis for the government in taking steps and policies for handling foreign refugees.

Komnas HAM also recommends that the government provide assistance to Rohingya refugees sourced from the state budget by considering the government's ability and in accordance with statutory provisions and considering the interests of local communities.

Then, continued Uli, also asked the police to ensure the security of Rohingya refugees, especially in order to provide protection, prevent clashes with the community and prevent further attempts to escape or smuggling of refugees according to Presidential Decree No. 125 of 2016, and the function of the National Police's security and social security.

"Providing directions to the National Police to strengthen law enforcement and cooperate with security authorities in ASEAN and Interpol to eradicate syndicates and break the chain of human smuggling, especially against Rohingya refugees," said Uli.

Not only that, Komnas HAM also asked the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to carry out immigration functions in handling refugees optimally according to the mandate and authority stipulated in the provisions of Presidential Decree 125 of 2016.

Furthermore, Komnas HAM encourages local governments and proactive security forces to provide understanding to the public that the government will be responsible for refugees and ensure security and order in the community.

Then, encourage the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take more maximum diplomatic and intervention steps through bilateral, regional and multilateral forums, especially the UN forum in order to resolve conflicts in Myanmar, especially regarding the recognition of citizenship and recovery of the national status of the Rohingya ethnic.

"We also encourage the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take diplomatic steps through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in order to ensure that the country of the 1951 Refugee Convention plays an active role in taking over responsibility and commitment to accept and accommodate international refugees, especially the Rohingya ethnic group," he said.

Uli added that there is also a need for the best option during the Rohingya refugee shelter in Indonesia. Given the choice of returning the Rohingya to the country of origin cannot be done because it has the potential to be under the threat of persecution, torture, inhumane treatment and punishment and degrading human dignity.

This is in accordance with the non-refoulement principles listed in the anti-torture convention that has been ratified by Indonesia.

Finally, continued Uli, there needs to be prevention efforts through the Ministry of Home Affairs and the National Police to avoid the involvement of Indonesian citizens (especially local citizens in Aceh) as an extension of the human smuggling network and human trafficking.

"Komnas HAM also appreciates the police's efforts in law enforcement against allegations of human trafficking and smuggling of Rohingya refugees in Aceh," said Uli Parulian Sihombing.

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