JAYAPURA - Jayapura City Police Chief Kombes Victor Mackbon said the funeral of former Papua Governor Lukas Enembe could not be ascertained because of rain constraints.

"However, it is certain that the funeral of the former Governor of Papua will still be held on this day, Friday," Jayapura City Police Chief Kombes Mackbon told Antara, in Jayapura, Friday, December 29 morning.

He said the delay in the funeral was previously scheduled at around 09.00 WIT due to unfavorable weather.

It was still raining on Friday morning in the Central Koya area, so the family decided to postpone the funeral.

"Until 10:00 WIT, it is not certain what time the funeral will be held, and the joint TNI-Polri apparatus is still on standby," explained Kombes Mackbon.

The Jayapura City Police Chief added that the personnel deployed to secure the funeral procession of former Papua Governor Lukas Enembe were recorded at 1,500 personnel.

"Currently, TNI-Polri members are on standby at a number of points around Central Koya considering that the body will be buried at his residence in Central Koya, Muara Tami District, Jayapura City," he said.

Former Papua Governor Lukas Enembe died on December 26 at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Jakarta and the bodies arrived at Sentani Airport, Jayapura Regency last Thursday.

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