SUKOHARJO - Residents of Bulakan Sukoharjo immediately caused a stir when Presidential Candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo visited their village, Tuesday, December 26. Hundreds of residents welcomed each other with a commotion and were scrambling to shake hands and take photos with them.

"Pak Ganjar welcomes back to our village. You have visited our village three times, we feel very happy," shouted the residents.

The residents were so enthusiastic about Ganjar's presence. Not only happy, the opportunity was used by residents to complain about the problem.

Siti Sugiarto, for example, complained about the difficulty of obtaining capital access. He also asked Ganjar for help in giving him business capital.

"Sir, we need capital, please help us, sir. Give us capital, give us tools too, sir," said Sri Sugiarti.

Ganjar answered that question patiently. He explained that as a presidential candidate, he was prohibited by law from giving something to the public.

"Actually, I can provide business capital assistance to my mother. But I can't. Later, Bawaslu will be scolded. There is Bawaslu, how can you do this, bro?" asked Ganjar to the Bawaslu members who monitored Ganjar's campaign.

"No, sir, that's called political money," he shouted.

Ganjar then invited the Bawaslu member named Tri Hartanto. Tri explained that no candidates should provide any assistance to the community because it violates the rules.

"You can't, sir, it's political money and there is a criminal threat," said Tri.

Ganjar also failed to provide assistance to Sri and other residents. However, he said he would help in other ways, namely connecting Sri with many parties such as companies that disbursed CSR, philanthropic and other programs.

"You can also borrow from the bank, right now there are many credits with cheap interest. Or there are also many CSRs, so they can be used. So that later the regent will help, there are also council members here," explained Ganjar.

Ganjar said that currently he can only help with the program. All problems obtained from blusukan to meet the people throughout Indonesia, will be accommodated and gagged into a work program that can answer all community problems.

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