JAKARTA - The Indonesian Political Indicators survey institute released a poll on the electability of pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2024.

As a result, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka occupies the highest position in the electability of the three pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates, namely 46.7 percent.

Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators, Burhanuddin Muhtadi, explained that there were still mysteries when the 2024 presidential election was held in two rounds.

Looking at the current survey results, Prabowo has the most chance of entering the second round. However, Burhanuddin has not been able to confirm who is one pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates who will qualify to face Prabowo-Gibran.

"The second and third place is in the margin of error. I remind you once again, 2.9 percent of our margin of error. So, I don't know who is superior among Ganjar or Anies," said Burhanuddin in a virtual survey presentation, Tuesday, December 26.

Based on the survey results, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD's electability was 24.5 percent. Meanwhile, Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar 21 percent. In a sense, the difference between the two candidate pairs is quite thin.

"If for example there is no one round, the mystery of God is that he is ready to accompany Prabowo-gibran in the second round. So, we can't guess until today. Can Ganjar, can Anies," he explained.

Meanwhile, based on a simulation survey of 2 candidate pairs, Prabowo-Gibran is superior in general with 58.9 percent of the votes obtained when dealing with Anies-Muhaimin which amounted to 27.2 percent.

Then, Prabowo-Gibran also excels by 58.2 percent when dealing with Ganjar-Mahfud with 28.4 percent of the votes. Meanwhile, Ganjar-Mahfud got 43 percent when dealing with Anies-Muhaimin which was 38.5 percent.

It is known, the survey was conducted on December 23-24 involving 1,217 respomendants as samples that are Indonesian citizens aged 17 years and over or married or have a telephone.

The survey was conducted by interviewing respondents by telephone. Respondents were selected through the random digit dialing and double sampling method. The survey margin of error is estimated at 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

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