MOROWALI - Chairman of the Exco Labor Party of Morowali Regency, Katsain said there had been an explosion of the PT ITSS stove in the Morowali industrial area which caused a severe fire.

"At 5.30 WIB, according to the testimony of PT ITSS's silicone pero employees, they were repairing the stove, and installed plates on the furnace which resulted in an explosion, causing several oxygen cylinders around the area to explode," Katsain told VOI, Sunday, December 24.

As a result of the explosion, it is suspected that dozens of people died. Including those who are critical, seriously injured, or lightly injured.

Considering this, Labor Party President Said Iqbal said that this was the impact of Chinese investment in Morowali causing low wages and ignoring Work Safety and Health (K3).

Therefore, Said Iqbal asked to immediately create a Fact Finding Team from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower and various relevant agencies. Today also the Fact Finding Team must go to the field to investigate what really happened.

"The K3 problem has happened over and over again. It even takes lives. This cannot be allowed," said Said Iqbal.

"Because K3 problems have often occurred, we also ask for the punishment of entrepreneurs. Often cases occur, this shows not only due to negligence, but is suspected to be due to omission," he continued.

In addition, Said Iqbal urged the Government and entrepreneurs to provide compensation to those who died, including funeral costs to the education costs of the children of the victims. Likewise, those who are injured, must be borne by medical expenses and compensation for accidents financed by the State

"The implementation of the K3 must be ensured that it runs and there are severe sanctions for those who violate it," he said.

In addition, the Labor Party urged that Law No. 1 of 1970 concerning Work Safety be revised immediately, because it was not in accordance with the times. Moreover, Law 1/1970 only regulates 100 thousand sanctions, so it does not provide a deterrent effect.

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