The General Election Commission (KPU) held a debate for the second presidential election in 2024 this week. As is known, this second debate is intended for vice presidential candidates (cawapres) with economic themes (regional economy and digital economy), finance, tax investment, trade, management of the APBN-APBD, infrastructure, and urban areas.

In his closing statement, Mahfud MD gave one of the points regarding the social assistance that was being discussed warmly related to social assistance from the government

"19. Social assistance will definitely continue, but it must be right on target", said Mahfud

In the closing statement in the KPU vice presidential debate, Mahfud explained 21 work programs that will be run by Ganjar-Mahfud if he is elected president

1. 17 million jobs 2. 1 village, 1 health facility, 1 health worker3. Pocket money for posyandu cadres4. 10 million occupancy, owning a house as easy as having a motorbike 5. Schools get a salary, passing for sure work 6. One poor family, one undergraduate7. Women advanced 8. Workers go up class 9. Free lectures for children of soldiers and Bhayangkara10. Easy to do, including MSMEs and cooperative 11. A prosperous mosque management, mosque administrators are protected 12. Koran teachers and other religious teachers are paid 13. Food supplies are safe, good prices are in the pockets 14. Happy elderly children, happy grandchildren 15. Farmers are proud of farming 16. In the sea we are victorious, fishermen are prosperous 17. Independent disabilities excel 1 village, 1 access car 18. Internet is super fast, free, and evenly. Social assistance must be continued, but must be right on target20. Last KKNDan brush, Sakti ID

All government policies must be issued, prioritize, the prosperity and welfare of the people, including maintaining the poor and neglected children as stipulated in Article 34 Paragraph 1 of the Constitution. May our good intentions and sincerity be rewarded with Allah and recorded in lauhul mahfudz.

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