JAKARTA - Presidential candidate number two, Prabowo Subianto admitted that he was amazed by Gibran Rakabuming Raka's ability when undergoing a debate between vice presidential candidates. According to him, everything that was conveyed by his deputy was positive and led to an advanced Indonesia. "Frankly, I am very proud of my vice presidential candidate, I am very proud of it," Prabowo told reporters, Friday, December 22. In fact, if Prabowo must judge, Gibran's performance is considered almost perfect. Either when answering questions from Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin or Mahfud MD. "If I am a teacher who gives a score, my test will score 9.9," he said. In addition, Prabowo also considers himself and Gibran to be like bridges for the next generation. The reason is that the younger generation will bring Indonesia into the golden age.
"We are a bridge for later the younger generation will pass to Indonesia gold, Indonesia is great," said Prabowo.

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