JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president number 1 Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) calls himself and presidential candidate Anies Baswedan, if he wins the 2024 presidential election, promises to build 40 new cities at level with Jakarta. This was revealed by Cak Imin in the second debate of the 2024 presidential election specifically for vice presidential candidates at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Central Jakarta. "We have one determination that in the upcoming government, at least 40 new cities must be built that are level with Jakarta," said Cak Imin, Friday, December 22. Dozens of new cities, said Imin, will provide the ability to accommodate the population, provide adequate facilities and infrastructure, as well as the ability to maintain a healthy environment, including a life that provides comfort for the entire population. "Where housing is not too far from work centers, where access to education can reach what is needed," he continued. Cak Imin views that urban development must be made evenly distributed in various places. This aims to prevent population buildup in one urban area. "We do not agree or disagree with IKN. The most important thing is priority to equity and justice so that cities can be built, so that clean water facilities are realized," explained Cak Imin.
"I'm sorry, Banjarmasin is sorry, Pontianak is sorry, why? We can magic these cities in a short time for the better. For what reason? The fiscal we provide is evenly distributed in each urban area," he added.

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